
Social Security Disability Case Evaluation

Social Security Disability Case Evaluation If you suffer from a medical or mental condition that is so severe that you are unable to work full time, we may be able to help. If you live in the Central Arkansas area and feel  you should qualify for Social Security Disability, please fill out the required fields

What does “disabled” mean, anyway?

When applying for SSDI or SSI benefits, the Social Security Administration (SSA) must consider whether or not you are “disabled.” What does the SSA mean when they say “disabled?” 1) You must have a severe impairment; 2) You must be unable to do substantial work because of your medical condition(s); and 3) Your medical condition(s)

Disability for Chronic Migraines

Disability for Chronic Migraines If you experience regular, severe migraine headaches, it may be difficult to function on a daily basis, often able to do nothing more than stay in bed in a dark room for hours – or days – at a time. Does this qualify you for SSD? It might. For more details

Depression or Anxiety

Depression or Anxiety Even if your depression or anxiety is not severe enough to win a claim for disability on its own, it can, when considered along with a severe physical impairment, play an important role in winning your claim for disability. Disability Secrets http://ow.ly/sdqRO If you are disabled and need help navigating the complex

Social Security Disability for Allergies

Social Security Disability for Allergies? If your allergies cause severe breathing or skin problems and you need to work in a severely restrictive environment, you may be able to get disability benefits. Talk to your Social Security Disability Lawyer. Disability Secrets http://ow.ly/sbnGp If you are disabled and need help navigating the Social Security Disability system, contact